
The Game Master Screen by Wyrmwood

Created by Wyrmwood

This modular, solid wood screen is packed full of features to make it not just a wall, but a gateway to endless possibilities. First, choose which panels will comprise your GM screen, as well as how many you'll need (typically 3-4). Our magnetic panels connect to one another to make every screen customized to your needs, with integrated magnetic note bars. With your panels selected, select optional accessories to expand your capabilities, and truly make the most out of every game session.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

July Fulfillment Update #2
over 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 06:50:21 AM

Hello, backers.

We're reaching the middle of July, so it's time once again to review our progress on fulfillment.

Key Takeaways

  • Currently, November, January and February are shipped. March has a few lingering orders, April is 70% complete, while May is around 35% shipped. As a whole, the project is approximately 70% complete at this time.
  • The items we're having the most production issues with are the towers and Patterned Plywood panels. While the towers are mostly going well at this point, there is a significant backlog and they take much longer to complete than we estimated, which is the major reason for delays in this campaign. Plywood panels, we're working hard on but they are prone to issues and loss and while there are only around 40 left in the entirety of the project, it's an outsized struggle to get them produced and shipped out.
  • In terms of packages shipped per month, the total thus far stands at 58 orders shipped in November, 227 in December, 455 in January, 1,026 in February, 796 in March, 728 in April, 646 in May, 642 in June and 310 thus far in July.
  • If you haven't yet received your order, remember to keep your address up to date. If you're moving soon or have moved already, please send us a direct message via Kickstarter that includes your new address and the date you'll be able to receive mail there, so we can make sure you order reaches you.

Production & Shipping Charts

These are the same charts from last time, newly updated with the latest data:

By The Numbers

Below are the total number of backers in each   fulfillment wave, as well as the number of shipped/pending status   backers in each. Note that the total number of backers in each wave may  change as we begin each new round of fulfillment, due to  backers who have newly responded to the survey being rolled into the  final wave. Pre-orders remain open.

Wave 1: November - 464 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 464 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 2: January - 687 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 687 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 3: February - 888 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 888 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 4: March - 1,035 backers

  • 1,021 shipped, 14 pending
  • 98.6% fulfilled

Wave 5: April - 1,001 backers

  • 695 shipped, 306 pending
  • 69.4% fulfilled

Wave 6: May - 1,925 backers

  • 663 shipped, 1,262 pending
  • 34.4% fulfilled

Wave 7: June - 402 backers

  • 50 shipped, 352 pending
  • 12.4% fulfilled

Non-responsive - 911 backers

  • These are backers that have yet to respond to the survey

Pre-orders - 982 backers

  • Fulfillment not started

Fulfillment Continues

We're settling in to the warmest part of the year here, but still working hard to fulfill as many orders as we can, as quickly as we can. We'll keep at it until the final orders - just under 2,000 - are sent off to their destinations. Thank you for your patience while we continue to work through fulfillment and ship out the remaining orders.

~ Ed Maranville, Customer Experience for Wyrmwood

July Fulfillment Update #1
over 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 01, 2023 at 06:54:03 AM

Hello, backers.

Here we are at the beginning of July, so it's time for another look at fulfillment. Let's see where things stand.

Key Takeaways

  • Currently, November, January and February are shipped. March has fewer than 15 orders remaining, April is around 60% shipped, while May, the largest wave, is nearing 30% complete. Overall, the project is about two-thirds fulfilled (66%) as of this writing.
  • In terms of packages shipped per month, the total thus far stands at 58 orders shipped in November, 227 in December, 455 in January, 1,026 in February, 796 in March, 728 in April, 646 in May, and 642 in June.
  • If you haven't yet received your order, remember to reach out and let us know if you need your address updated - if you've moved recently, or will be at any point in the next couple of months, let us know so we  can make sure your order makes it to you safely.
  • The replacement feet for the earlier Panels and Tablet Trays are  being sorted as we speak, and starting to ship out. These should arrive in a simple envelope, so be on the lookout in your mailbox in the coming  weeks! If you've moved since you received your  original order items, please let us know your new address, so we can get  them to you correctly.

Production & Shipping Charts

These are the same charts from last time, newly updated with the latest data:

Finding Your Fulfillment Wave

If you're unsure of your estimated fulfillment month, you can verify it yourself - all you need is any email from BackerKit.

Open any BackerKit message, and click through to view  your order on the website. You can use your order confirmation, or the link in your original survey invitation - any BackerKit link  concerning this project should get you there.

Once on the BackerKit site, at the top of the screen, you'll  see the project name and image, with your Kickstarter pledge information. Click the reward level - it will  read "$0 Reward" - and a popup will appear. Your fulfillment wave is listed there!

If you can't locate a BackerKit message, or have trouble with this process, send us a message and we'll be happy to confirm your wave for you.

By The Numbers

Below are the total number of backers in each  fulfillment wave, as well as the number of shipped/pending status  backers in each. Note that the total number of backers in each wave may change as we begin each new round of fulfillment, due to backers who have newly responded to the survey being rolled into the final wave. Pre-orders remain open.

 Wave 1: November - 464 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 464 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 2: January - 687 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 687 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 3: February - 888 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 888 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 4: March - 1,035 backers

  • 1,021 shipped, 14 pending
  • 98.6% fulfilled

Wave 5: April - 1,000 backers

  • 582 shipped, 418 pending
  • 58.2% fulfilled

Wave 6: May - 1,928 backers

  • 523 shipped, 1,405 pending
  • 27.1% fulfilled

Wave 7: June - 416 backers

  • 49 shipped, 367 pending
  • 11.8% fulfilled

Non-responsive - 911 backers

  • These are backers that have yet to respond to the survey

Pre-orders - 932 backers

  • Fulfillment not started

Fulfillment Continues

As we move into the last third of fulfillment, I'd like to thank you again for your patience as we continue producing and shipping your orders. We'll get them out as soon as we're able - at this point, there's not much to do but push forward until the job is done! I'll be back on the 15th with the latest numbers. Thanks for watching, and all the best as we move into summer.

~ Ed Maranville, Customer Experience for Wyrmwood

June Fulfillment Update #2
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 11:25:46 AM

Hello, backers.

As we reach the half-point of June, it's time again to check in and see how fulfillment is progressing.

Key Takeaways

  • Currently, November, January and February are shipped. March has fewer than 100 orders remaining, while April is over 40% shipped, while May is around 20% fulfilled. Overall, about 60% of the project has been fulfilled as of this writing.
  • We're still facing headwinds when it comes to machine and production bandwidth, and are likely to continue to trend behind estimates for the duration of the fulfillment, unfortunately. We're looking at some solutions, including replacing one of our weakest CNCs with a higher performing model, optimizing programs, etc, but the volume is such that our bandwidth is stretched to its limit, and fundamentally there's not a great deal more we can do to increase it. On a positive note, Panel production is very far ahead, so generally once the necessary Towers arrive in inventory, we're able to ship orders fast, since Panels are by and large not a bottleneck.
  • In terms of packages shipped per month, the total thus  far stands at 58 orders shipped in November, 227 in December, 455  in January, 1,026 in February, 796 in March, 728 in April, 646 in May and 230 in June thus far.
  • If you haven't yet received your order, remember to reach out and  let us know if you need your address updated - if you've moved recently, or will be at any point in the next couple of months, let us know so we  can make sure your order makes it to you safely.
  • The replacement feet for the earlier Panels and Tablet Trays are being sorted as we speak, and starting to ship out. These should arrive in a simple envelope, so be on the lookout in your mailbox in the coming weeks! If you've moved since you received your original order items, please let us know your new address, so we can get them to you correctly. 

Production & Shipping Charts

These are the same charts from last time, newly updated with the latest data:

Finding Your Fulfillment Wave

If you're unsure of your estimated fulfillment month, you can verify it yourself - all you need is any email from BackerKit.

Open any BackerKit message, and click through to view your order on the website. You can use your order confirmation, or the link in your original survey invitation - any BackerKit link concerning this project should get you there.

Once on the BackerKit site, at the top of the screen, you'll see the project name and image, with your Kickstarter pledge information. Click the reward level - it will read "$0 Reward" - and a popup will appear. Your fulfillment wave is listed there!

If you can't locate a BackerKit message, or have trouble with this process, send us a message and we'll be happy to confirm your wave for you.

By The Numbers

Below are the total number of backers in each fulfillment wave, as well as the number of shipped/pending status backers in each. Note that the total number of backers in each wave may change as we begin each new round of fulfillment, due to backers who have newly responded to the survey being rolled into the final wave. Pre-orders remain open.

Wave 1: November - 464 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 464 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 2: January - 687 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 687 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 3: February - 888 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 888 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 4: March - 1,035 backers

  • 953 shipped, 82 pending
  • 92.1% fulfilled

Wave 5: April - 1,000 backers

  • 435 shipped, 565 pending
  • 43.5% fulfilled

Wave 6: May - 1,928 backers

  • 354 shipped, 1,574 pending
  • 18.4% fulfilled

Wave 7: June - 404 backers

  • 38 shipped, 366 pending
  • 9.4% fulfilled

Non-responsive - 921 backers

  • These are backers that have yet to respond to the survey

Pre-orders - 907 backers

  • Fulfillment not started

Fulfillment Continues

Delays are never good news, and I certainly wish I had better news to report in this update, but things certainly aren't at a standstill, and we continue to ship orders daily. We'll keep working hard to get your orders out day after day. Thanks for your patience as we work through the process. I'll be back on the 1st with the latest news and numbers. Until then, all the best!

~ Ed Maranville, Customer Experience for Wyrmwood

June Fulfillment Update #1
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 01, 2023 at 01:46:17 PM

Welcome, backers.

June is here - let's take a look at the latest numbers and see how fulfillment is proceeding.

Key Takeaways

  • At this point, November, January and February are complete. March has less than 175 orders outstanding. April is a bit over a third shipped, while May stands at 16%. Overall, we've fulfilled around 56% of the project.
  • Production is moving along, but we continue to be constrained by Towers. Panels are generally far ahead, save for some of the more uncommon materials. We have one machine completely dedicated to Two Way Dice Towers and Storage Towers, so we are devoting a lot of resources to them.
  • To address the issue, we're working on ways to optimize the workflow through the CNC department, which is always a challenge - a lot of product lines compete for resources there, so it tends to be a bottleneck. In addition, with the Panel team so far ahead, we're looking on how to best utilize their labor to speed up the rest of the project.
  • In terms of packages shipped per month, the total thus far stands at 58 orders shipped in November, 227 in December, 455 in January, 1,026 in February, 796 in March, 728 in April, and 646 in May.
  • If you haven't yet received your order, remember to reach out and let us know if you need your address updated - if you've moved recently, or will be at any point in the next couple of months, let us know so we can make sure your order makes it to you safely.
  •  Important: Some backers have reported some issues with the rubber feet included on Panels and Tablet Trays causing marks on their Modular Gaming Table. We did some extensive testing, and were initially stymied because we couldn't replicate the issue ourselves, which meant we couldn't verify and determine why it was happening. However, we have now been able to confirm that the problem is a chemical reaction between the material of the feet and certain furniture finishes. We've sourced, tested and received new material for the feet so this should not be an issue moving forward. In addition, we're sending out some adhesive caps to everyone who's already received their order over the next few weeks (you'll receive enough to cover all the items in your order). In the meantime, we recommend using a tablecloth or other protective cloth between your screen feet and your tabletop, just in case your furniture could be affected by this issue. Unfortunately, there's no easy way to tell, so we recommend taking this precaution until the stick-on feet arrive.

Production & Shipping Charts

These are the same charts from last time, newly updated with the latest data:

Finding Your Fulfillment Wave

If you're unsure of your estimated fulfillment month, you can verify it yourself - all you need is any email from BackerKit.

Open any BackerKit message, and click through to view  your order on the website. You can use your order confirmation,  or the link in your original survey invitation - any BackerKit link  concerning this project should get you there.

Once on the BackerKit site, at the top of the screen, you'll   see the project name and image, with your  Kickstarter pledge information. Click the reward level - it will   read "$0 Reward" - and a popup will appear. Your fulfillment wave  is listed there!

If you can't locate a BackerKit message, or have trouble with   this process, send us a message and we'll be happy to confirm  your wave for you.

By The Numbers

Below are the total number of backers in each   fulfillment wave, as well as the number of shipped/pending status  backers in each. Note that the total number of backers in each wave may  change as we begin each new round of fulfillment, due to backers  who have newly responded to the survey being rolled into the final   wave. Pre-orders remain open.

Wave 1: November - 464 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 464 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 2: January - 687 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 687 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 3: February - 888 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 888 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 4: March - 1,035 backers

  • 873 shipped, 162 pending
  • 84.3% fulfilled

Wave 5: April - 1,000 backers

  • 382 shipped, 618 pending
  • 38.2% fulfilled

Wave 6: May - 1,928 backers

  • 308 shipped, 1,620 pending
  • 16.0% fulfilled

Wave 7: June - 404 backers

  • 34 shipped, 370 pending
  • 8.4% fulfilled

Non-responsive - 921 backers

  • These are backers that have yet to respond to the survey

Pre-orders - 880 backers

  • Fulfillment not started

Continuing Mission

Thank you for your continued patience as we keep shipping out this project! We apologize for the delays - unfortunately, this project was very complex and needs some extra time to produce and ship. However, we continue to work through orders and do expect to wrap things up in line with our current estimates, roughly 2 months past the original estimated timeline. This will vary with some orders, of course, but that amount of delay is a solid rule of thumb for now. I'll check back in on the 15th to let you know how it's looking, of course. Thanks for watching, and thanks for your support.

~ Ed Maranville, Customer Experience for Wyrmwood

Mid-May Fulfillment Update
over 1 year ago – Mon, May 15, 2023 at 11:51:40 AM

Welcome, backers.

It's the 15th of May, so let's check in on the state of our fulfillment.

Key Takeaways

  • Halfway through May, November and January are closed out, while February is effectively complete (99.9%). March is about two-thirds complete, and April is about 25% fulfilled. May, the largest wave of  the project by a wide margin, has just shy of 1,770 orders remaining - this wave represents the bulk of the project. June, the final wave, only has about 400 orders.
  • There's been a mismatch between production and what's needed to ship, leading to a bit of build-up of inventory while we wait for the products we need to fill orders. The holdup is mostly towers, which probably comes as little surprise. Most other items - panels, accessories, etc - continue to be produced steadily.
  • In terms of packages shipped per month, the total thus  far stands at 58 orders shipped in November, 227 in December, 455  in January, 1,026 in February, 796 in March, 728 in April, and 129 so far in May.
  • Once again, I remind you to please keep your address up to date with us, so we can be sure to get your order to you. If you've moved recently, or you know you WILL be moving, but aren't sure of the details, just let us know everything you can via direct message here on Kickstarter, and we'll update your order accordingly.

Production & Shipping Charts

These are the same charts from last time, newly updated with the latest data:

As shown, the overall production has remained fairly consistent, but ship-outs have dropped off in recent weeks due to the mismatch between units produced and units needed to close out and ship orders.

Finding Your Fulfillment Wave

If you're unsure of your estimated fulfillment month, you can verify it yourself - all you need is any email from BackerKit.

Open any BackerKit message, and click through to view your order on the website. You can use your order confirmation, or the link in your original survey invitation - any BackerKit link concerning this project should get you there.

Once on the BackerKit site, at the top of the screen, you'll  see the project name and image, with your Kickstarter pledge information. Click the reward level - it will  read "$0 Reward" - and a popup will appear. Your fulfillment wave is listed there!

If you can't locate a BackerKit message, or have trouble with  this process, send us a message and we'll be happy to confirm your wave for you.

By The Numbers

Below are the total number of backers in each  fulfillment wave, as well as the number of shipped/pending status backers in each. Note that the total number of backers in each wave may change as we begin each new round of fulfillment, due to backers who have newly responded to the survey being rolled into the final  wave. Pre-orders remain open.

Wave 1: November - 464 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 464 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 2: January - 687 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 687 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 3: February - 888 backers

  • 887 shipped, 1 pending
  • 99.9% fulfilled

Wave 4: March - 1,035 backers

  • 676 shipped, 359 pending
  • 65.3% fulfilled

Wave 5: April - 1,000 backers

  • 240 shipped, 760 pending
  • 24.0% fulfilled

Wave 6: May - 1,928 backers

  • 166 shipped, 1,762 pending
  • 8.6% fulfilled

Wave 7: June - 404 backers

  • 25 shipped, 379 pending
  • 6.2% fulfilled

Non-responsive - 921 backers

  • These are backers that have yet to respond to the survey

Pre-orders - 820 backers

  • Fulfillment not started

Continuing Mission

That concludes this check-in - while things are still moving along slowly, we're focusing on the earliest orders and shuffling our production flow to better align production with order demand, and this should bear fruit in the closing weeks of the month ahead. I'll return on the 1st with the latest - thank you, as always, for your support of the project.

~ Ed Maranville, Customer Experience for Wyrmwood