
The Game Master Screen by Wyrmwood

Created by Wyrmwood

This modular, solid wood screen is packed full of features to make it not just a wall, but a gateway to endless possibilities. First, choose which panels will comprise your GM screen, as well as how many you'll need (typically 3-4). Our magnetic panels connect to one another to make every screen customized to your needs, with integrated magnetic note bars. With your panels selected, select optional accessories to expand your capabilities, and truly make the most out of every game session.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

September Fulfillment Update #2
over 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 07:37:54 AM

Hello, everyone.

We're at the midway point of September, so it's time to check in on the state of the project fulfillment once again.

Key Takeaways

  • Under 750 orders are left in the campaign, with fewer than 950 pre-orders remaining in line after them. The bulk of the outstanding campaign orders are mostly evenly split between May and June, with under 20 April orders left to fulfill. The project is approximately 90% fulfilled at this time.
  • Pre-orders have begun shipping, as you'll notice from the numbers below. The pre-orders shipping out now are ones covered by the overstock in our inventory. As always, we only ship later wave orders if none of the inventory needed to fill them is reserved for earlier wave orders.
  • We shipped 58 orders in November, 227 in December, 455 in January, 1,026 in February, 796 in March, 728 in April, 646 in May, 642 in June, 712 in July, 798 in August, and 376 thus far in September.
  • As we mentioned in an update earlier this week, we've launched the follow-up to the Game Master Screen campaign! The campaign includes almost everything from this one, for those new to the system, but it has a few fun, new additions for those of you that are already using it, as well as new woods and wood combinations. You can find all the options on the page, or check out the last project update here to find a video running down what's new. :)
  • For those of you with outstanding orders, please keep your address up to date with us. If you've moved recently or will be soon, reach out to us and provide your new  address, and the date of your move (if it's  in the future). You can send us a direct message here on Kickstarter, or email [email protected], and we'll direct your order to the proper place.

Production & Shipping Charts

These are the same charts from last time, newly updated with the latest data:

By The Numbers

Below are the total number of backers in each fulfillment wave, as well as the number of shipped vs. pending status backers in each as of this update. With pre-orders closed and all waves finalized, the wave counts below are effectively final and should change little, if at all, for the remainder of fulfillment.

Wave 1: November - 464 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 464 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 2: January - 687 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 687 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 3: February - 888 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 888 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 4: March - 1,035 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 1,035 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 5: April - 1,003 backers

  • 986 shipped, 17 pending
  • 98.3% fulfilled

Wave 6: May - 1,918 backers

  • 1,545 shipped, 373 pending
  • 80.6% fulfilled

Wave 7: June - 449 backers

  • 97 shipped, 352 pending
  • 21.6% fulfilled

Pre-orders - 1,150 backers

  • 201 shipped, 949 pending
  • 17.5% fulfilled

Fulfillment Continues

With pre-orders beginning to ship and the campaign around 90% fulfilled, the end is in sight. We'll be back at the top of October to let you know where things stand. Until then, thank you as always for your support and patience.

~ Ed Maranville, Customer Experience for Wyrmwood

The Game Master Screen is Back on Kickstarter! Here's What's New.
over 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 11:12:51 AM

Hello everyone!

Your regularly scheduled fulfillment update is coming at the end of the week, but we wanted to make sure to let everyone who backed this project know that the follow-up campaign is live NOW!

For all of you existing owners of the system, you'll recognize most of the project immediately. What's new, you ask? Well, we've got a video detailing exactly that:

Fulfillment of this new project is slated to begin in February 2024, a few months after we anticipate concluding the last of the fulfillment for pre-orders in this campaign. We'll be structuring the project in waves of fulfillment, the same way we did with this project.

The waves will be structured as first-come, first-serve, so the earliest backers will receive the earliest delivery. Full details are available on the page, of course. So if you're looking to expand your setup since pre-orders closed, check out the new campaign by clicking here!

Click here to visit the new campaign!

~ Wyrmwood

September Fulfillment Update #1
over 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 01, 2023 at 12:21:17 PM

Hello, everyone. Let's check in and see how fulfillment is proceeding here as we enter September.

Key Takeaways

  • Less than 1,000 orders remain outstanding in the project, mostly from May and June, with a small remaining contingent of April orders. The project is over 85% fulfilled as of filming.
  • Pre-orders have been closed, and we have since finalized all outstanding orders. Addresses have been locked for all pre-order backers, and those orders are in the process of being imported into our fulfillment system, and will now be eligible to ship, provided no earlier backer orders require the items they have ordered. Finally, any non-responsive backers have been dropped from the project. This all means that the counts below are now final. As a result of the final surveys being completed, there are some backers that have been added to the June wave.
  • We shipped 58 orders in November, 227 in December,  455 in January, 1,026 in February, 796 in March, 728 in April, 646 in  May, 642 in June, 712 in July, and 798 in August.
  • Our monthly shipment numbers have been fairly consistently landing around 700 orders per month, so we expect to be wrapping up the campaign orders throughout September and October, and finishing up pre-orders in October and November.
  • For those of you with outstanding orders, please keep your address up to date with us. If you've moved recently or will be soon, reach out  to us and provide your new  address, and the date of your move (if it's  in the future). You can send us a direct message here on Kickstarter,  or email [email protected], and we'll direct your order to the  proper place.

Production & Shipping Charts

These are the same charts from last time, newly updated with the latest data:

By The Numbers

Below are the total number of backers in   each fulfillment wave, as well as the number of shipped vs. pending   status backers in each. Note that the total number of backers in each   wave may change as we begin each new round of fulfillment, due  to backers who have newly responded to the survey being rolled into   the final wave.

Wave 1: November - 464 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 464 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 2: January - 687 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 687 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 3: February - 888 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 888 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 4: March - 1,035 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 1,035 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 5: April - 1,002 backers

  • 974 shipped, 28 pending
  • 97.2% fulfilled

Wave 6: May - 1,923 backers

  • 1,408 shipped, 515 pending
  • 73.2% fulfilled

Wave 7: June - 467 backers

  • 84 shipped, 383 pending
  • 18.0% fulfilled

Pre-orders - 1,149 backers

  • 0 shipped, 1,149 pending
  • 0.00% fulfilled

Fulfillment Continues

As we move closer to the end of fulfillment, I thank you for your patience and support once again. We're closing in, and with less than 1,000 campaign orders remaining, this month will see the vast majority of the remaining backer orders shipped, while October should wrap up those remaining and follow with the bulk of the pre-orders. I'll be back on the 15th to give you the latest. Until then, all the best!

~ Ed Maranville, Customer Experience for Wyrmwood

August Fulfillment Update #2
over 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 12:26:04 PM

Hello backers,

As we reach the middle of August, let's check in on our fulfillment.

Key Takeaways

  • Around 1,250 orders remain outstanding in the project, mostly from May and June. The project is over 80% fulfilled at time of filming.
  • As we near the end of fulfillment, pre-orders will be closing down to allow us to get final counts for production. We will be closing down pre-orders this coming Friday, August 18th. After that point, no further orders on this project will be accepted.
  • We shipped 58 orders in November, 227 in December, 455 in January, 1,026 in February, 796 in March, 728 in April, 646 in May, 642 in June, 712 in July, and, thus far, 437 in August.
  • For those of you with outstanding orders, please keep your address up to date with us. If you've moved recently or will be soon, reach out to us and provide your new  address, and the date of your move (if it's in the future). You can send us a direct message here on Kickstarter, or email [email protected], and we'll direct your order to the proper place.

Production & Shipping Charts

These are the same charts from last time, newly updated with the latest data:

By The Numbers

Below are the total number of backers in  each fulfillment wave, as well as the number of shipped vs. pending  status backers in each. Note that the total number of backers in each  wave may change as we begin each new round of fulfillment, due to backers who have newly responded to the survey being rolled into  the final wave. Pre-orders close Friday, August 18th.

Wave 1: November - 464 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 464 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 2: January - 687 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 687 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 3: February - 888 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 888 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 4: March - 1,035 backers

  • 1,031 shipped, 4 pending
  • 99.6% fulfilled

Wave 5: April - 1,001 backers

  • 921 shipped, 80 pending
  • 92.0% fulfilled

Wave 6: May - 1,922 backers

  • 1,159 shipped, 763 pending
  • 60.3% fulfilled

Wave 7: June - 402 backers

  • 67 shipped, 335 pending
  • 16.7% fulfilled

Non-responsive - 911 backers

  • These are backers that have yet to respond to the survey

Pre-orders - 1,013 backers

  • Fulfillment not started

Fulfillment Continues

As the end of the project grows ever closer, we thank you for your patience and support with this long fulfillment. The GM Screen has been a hugely popular offering, and it's taken longer than expected, but we're still very proud of the resulting product, especially when we hear your testimonials and positive feedback. Thank you for making the project so successful, and I look forward to getting the rest of the orders shipped out to you as soon as we possibly can. I'll be back on the 1st with the latest news - until then, all the best.

~ Ed Maranville, Customer Experience for Wyrmwood

August Fulfillment Update #1
over 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 01, 2023 at 05:00:14 AM

Hello backers,

It's a new month, and therefore time to check in on the project fulfillment.

Key Takeaways

  • Currently, November, January and February are shipped. About 1500 orders remain outstanding in the campaign, with May wave making up around 70% of that, June making up about 20%, and the remaining 10% from April with a handful of March orders (fewer than 10). As a whole, the project is about 75% fulfilled at this time.
  • There have been some questions concerning Craftsman's Promise requests and return shipments. Our system handles replacement orders in a certain fashion, but this project has posed some unique challenges. At this point, we have set all outstanding orders of this type to receive "March" priority - on par with the oldest orders in the system. This priority level will remain as we clear the last remaining March orders, and as any additional Promise requests come in, ensuring that Craftsman's Promise orders are always treated with the highest priority, regardless of their origin tier.
  • Typically, Promise orders are given a high priority in any project automatically, but that gets a little complicated when waves begin to run late, and it lead to some priority conflicts that could cause Promise orders to languish unintentionally. We've cleared this up for this project, and these orders will receive the highest priority. Unfortunately, that does mean that some other orders could take a little longer to ship, however the volume of replacement orders is very low, so it won't have a significant impact to the remainder of fulfillment. Upon making the change, two-thirds of the outstanding promise orders immediately became eligible for shipment, so again, this is going to have a negligible impact to fulfillment as a whole moving forward.
  • In terms of packages shipped per month, the total thus  far stands at 58 orders shipped in November, 227 in December, 455  in January, 1,026 in February, 796 in March, 728 in April, 646 in May, 642 in June and 712 in July, which shows a welcome, slightly upward trend from the past two months.
  • If you haven't yet received your order, remember to keep your  address up to date. If you're moving soon or have moved already, please  send us a direct message via Kickstarter that includes your new address  and the date you'll be able to receive mail there, so we can make sure you order reaches you.

Production & Shipping Charts

These are the same charts from last time, newly updated with the latest data:

By The Numbers

Below are the total number of backers in each fulfillment wave, as well as the number of shipped vs. pending status backers in each. Note that the total number of backers in each wave may change as we begin each new round of fulfillment, due to backers who have newly responded to the survey being rolled into the final wave. Pre-orders remain open.

Wave 1: November - 464 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 464 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 2: January - 687 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 687 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 3: February - 888 backers *COMPLETE*

  • 888 shipped, 0 pending
  • 100.0% fulfilled

Wave 4: March - 1,035 backers

  • 1,024 shipped, 11 pending
  • 98.9% fulfilled

Wave 5: April - 1,001 backers

  • 866 shipped, 135 pending
  • 86.5% fulfilled

Wave 6: May - 1,925 backers

  • 813 shipped, 1,112 pending
  • 42.2% fulfilled

Wave 7: June - 402 backers

  • 59 shipped, 343 pending
  • 14.7% fulfilled

Non-responsive - 911 backers

  • These are backers that have yet to respond to the survey

Pre-orders - 1,013 backers

  • Fulfillment not started

Fulfillment Continues

Thank you for your patience while we work diligently to fulfill the remaining orders in the campaign. Progress is slower than we'd like, but it remains overall steady. Thank you for backing, and I hope that you'll enjoy your screens for years to come. We did all we could to make this the finest GM Screen on the market, and we're hearing from many of you that it meets that bar, even though the delayed fulfillment was less than ideal. In the end, while we wish we'd been able to meet our original fulfillment estimates, we'll always take the time necessary to make sure the quality is where it needs to be for you. At the end of the day, we'd rather you be unhappy over the delivery time, but happy every time you use the product, instead of the other way around. Thank you for hanging in there while we close this one out. I'll check back on the 15th with the latest. Until then, all the best!

~ Ed Maranville, Customer Experience for Wyrmwood

Lastly, we have a new campaign up on Kickstarter; if you're a fan of traditional card games, or poker in particular, it may be of interest. I'm including the link below with a brief description.

The Latest Project from Wyrmwood: Live Now!

Wyrmwood, the premier destination for fine woodworking furniture and  accessories, has spent the past decade working to enhance the tabletop  gaming experience. From Magic: The Gathering to Dungeons & Dragons,  complete gaming tables and seating to original Tarot decks, Wyrmwood has  elevated nearly every aspect of sitting down to play, except for  perhaps the most timeless and enduring: traditional playing cards.

We’re proud to present Groundskeeper. The  collection includes an original deck of playing cards, a custom set of  poker chips, and much more. Designed by Dan Greta, with creative  direction by The Gentleman Wake, Wyrmwood has finally been able to  create a deck of traditional playing cards worthy of the brand. Click here to visit the project, view the reward levels and back today!